Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Going Viral

Doug Donnan

"Going Viral"


Doug Donnan

"Listen Marianne," her husband all but whispered as he peeked through a pinch of the
condo's tightly closed and tethered tight front window Venetian blinds. "If you aren't
feeling so good right now, maybe we had just better play it safe huh? We can call Doctor
Broadbeem and give him your symptoms over the phone. It probably doesn't have
anything to do with the ebola virus. We simply can't go on this way much longer anyway
sweetheart, all cooped up in here like a couple of frightened zombies. What you probably
have is the same damn thing that I have... Cabin Fever!"

"If you want to go out there Charles," she announced frigidly from her position on the
sagging, yellow floral couch that her mother gave them as a heartfelt wedding present,
"You just go right ahead. If I can take care of all those sick people over in Africa
without you, I guess I can manage quite nicely around 'here' at this damn Whispering
Heights rest home without you... as I fight for my damn fool  life."

Marianne Clayhammer elevated her pointy pink chin as might some ancient Egyptian
child king who was dissatisfied and disgruntled that he couldn't have some grandiose
golden gong instead of a pointless point placed atop his particular Pharaoh's pyramid.
She was both sick 'and' tired.

"Now, there there my little Love Bug'," he tried to calm her bite with one of his silly
surreptitious bedroom pet names. "Now it's starting to rain out there, it looks like most
of the pandemic Papparazi press and police are pulling out from their positions around
our driveway.

So let's try and give ol' Doctor B a buzz, so to speak, and see if we can't just--"

"JUST GO!" she cut in rudely with a shout and a pissy kick of one of pink bunny
slippered feet. "Go find your damn friends. Go on out and paint the damn town till
all hours. Go drinkin' and gamblin' and whorin'. I don't care Charles... comprende-vu?"

"Now 'Bunny Crotch'," he tried. "You're just a little piqued from being trapped inside
the condo for the last week or so. Maybe if we try and take your mind off all this ebola
business. Maybe we can calmly discuss everything over a V8 and a game of Trivial Pursuit.
We can play right down here on the fluffy shag carpet my little 'Love Muscle'.
Wouldn't that be--"

"SCREW YOU!" she screamed with a face as red as a Folger's coffee can. She took
dead aim and threw a copy of her latest hardback Stephen King tome 'The Dulling' directly
at his bulbous, jug-eared, thinning, salt and pepper head.


"But 'Cinnamon Chest'," he peeped as he ducked just in time to avoid serious cranial injury
from the thick thrown thriller. He began to move sand-crab-like for the eggshell enameled
Condo's front door. Marianne Clayhammer, the heroic ebola nurse slowly advanced for him,
her bunnies skimming over the grassy beige carpet like little pink Louisiana bayou fan boats.
She was now brandishing, with two choking, pale knuckled hands above her frizzy red head,
a black, leather bound Funk and Wagnalls. Her bloodshot, shrew-like eyes resembled small,
oval, glove compartment road maps.  

She was now 'much' more than simply pissed off.

"YOU BASTARD!" she rushed at him like a rabid hyena in a baby-blue bathrobe.

                                                                   *   *   *

As it turns out, and as fate and luck would allow, Charles Clayhammer managed to escape
his menopausal wife's wrath. She hasn't seen or even heard from him in well over a month.
But she isn't terribly concerned about it. Doctor Broadbeem says the hot flashes and temper
flare ups will subside soon enough if she just stays close to home and takes the pills. She'll
catch up with that bastard Charles one fine day.He can run... but he can't hide!

                                              ___ The End ___

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