Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Monday, June 29, 2015

Good Times News Weekly Issue 20 Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Creator and the Catalyst Global/Staff Reviewer






Executive Editor: Doug Donnan (C&CG Staff Reviewer)




"The Hell Ya' Say"


Doug Donnan

Ya'll sure are frettin' them dreaded fires o' hell,
Ya'll know ol' Hob's down there... only too well.

Ya'll are thinkin' he's a waitin' fer' you by n' by,
Ya'll wanna' avoid him?... here's sumthin' to try.

Ya'll need to take Jesus Christ in heart n' soul,
Ya'll do so this instant... jist' make it yer' goal.

Ya'll had better trust me on this n' do not delay,
Cuz' ifn' ya' do ya' might have... all hell to pay!

___ Praise Jesus! ___       


"The Hangman"


Doug Donnan

He stirs you at sunrise no compassion has he,
opens the cell door... he ain't settin' you free.

He walks you out of that ol' jailhouse by n' by,
up them ol' gallows steps... it's yer time to die.

He pulls a black hood way down over yer head,
a dark message... you'll be hangin' there dead.

He pulls back the lever to release the trap door,
gravity comes by... n' you fall through the floor.

He slowly steps over to inspect how he's done,
then looks into the crowd... then up at the sun.

He's the hangman no one knows his real name,
but he draws a large crowd n' a chokin' noose...

These his only two 'undisputed' claims to fame.

___ The End ___


*Reader participation:

Write a funny joke and/or experience you've had and share it with
us here at the GTNW!

If anyone would like to help out with 'The GTNW' 
just drop me a line! (so to speak) Doug/Editor


Color of the Day:

Spanish 'Ole' Red'

Doug's Personal 'Confusion Says':

Confusion says:

Worm Holes:

'A female who fishes with no bait... is not necessarily a hooker.'

'If you ever open a can of worms... be careful of swooping birds.'

'A tardy sleeping worm... decreases its chances of being caught.'

'The Council of Worms... wasn't a river fisherman's convention.'


Thought(s) for the Day:

'A crippled man can only dream of being a somnambulist.' (Doug)

'If you snore, sooner or later, you will be sleeping alone.' (Doug)

'It's alright to cry when you walk through an onion field.' (Doug)


Quote(s) of the Day:

Awards of the State:

"Go for the Gold!" (Anonymous)

"Hi-Ho Silver!" (The Lone Ranger)

"Bronze is for Statues!" (Doug)


Anagrams, Quizlers, & Much More!!!

Anagram(s) of the Day:

> Unscramble this word and feel like a winner!: OELALBWRP


Puzzlers & Quizlers of the Day:

'SPELL CHECKERS': Which of these words is misspelled?: 'Dolldrums' /// 'Clandestine'  /// 'Paraplegic'          


>> 1. Who was Ithuriel?     ///  2. What is a Jack a-nape?          


Scribes. Singers & Super Stars:

>>> What rock group sang: 'American Woman'?       

>>>> Who was the lead actor in the movie: 'Key Largo'?       

>>>>> What is Hulk Hogan's real first name?       

>>>>>> Who sang the song: 'Moon River'?                 


[G][A][I][N][S][A][Y]: To act against. /// [G][A][L][E][N][A]: A heavy mineral.

[H][O][L][M][I][U][M]: A rare earth element. /// [K][I][B][I][T][Z][E][R]: A s.pectator.

[M][E][L][E][E]: Hand to Hand fighting


'The Edge of Espanol':

'Don't worry about it.': 'No te preocpes por eso.'

'How would I know?': 'Como puedo saber?'

'What difference does it make now?': 'Que diferencia hace ahora?'

'Who asked you?': 'Quien te pidio?'


'The GTNW Pictureless Toons':

"Aroused Suspicions", "Lost Marbles"

_____ "Aroused Suspicions" _____

'You may get suspicious if you see your son wearing a [ COKE IS THE REAL THING! ] T-shirt.

'You may get suspicious if you see a Sasquatch looking down your chimney.'   

'You may get suspicious if you see your wife riding on the back of the trash truck.'*** 

'You may get suspicious if you see your parish priest is nailing a crucifix on your front door.'

'You may get suspicious if you see a KKK mob with torches in your front yard.'

'You may get suspicious if you see your teenage son reading Cosmopolitan.'

'You may get suspicious if you see a Sasquatch running off with your George Foreman Grill .'***+LOL 

'You may get suspicious if you see a real Yeti running off with your Yeti Cooler.'***

____ End "Aroused Suspicions" _____

_____ "Lost Marbles" _____

'You may have lost your marbles if you try to paint your bike while you're riding it.' 

'You may have lost your marbles if you save your old calenders.'  

'You may have lost your marbles if you drink your coffee out of a Dixie Cup.' 

'You may have lost your marbles if you try to make an echo in your toilet bowl'***+LOL   

'You may have lost your marbles if you try to use your radiator as a xylophone.'  

'You may have lost your marbles if you try to balance your bowl of chicken soup on your head.' 

'You may have lost your marbles if you try to play Solitaire with your eyes closed.' 

_____ End "Lost Marbles" _____

*** Doug's 'Pics' of the day
***+ Doug's Favs
***+LOL Doug makes himself laugh!
***++LOL (off the charts!)

Anagram, Puzzlers & Quizlers, Spell Checkers, Capital Ideas, etc  Answers:


-SPELL CHECKERS: 'Doldrums'         

>> 1. An angel sent by Gabriel to find Satan.  /// 2. A male donkey (ass).              

>>> The Guess Who          

>>>> Humphrey Bogart      

>>>>> Paul

>>>>>> Andy Williams       


Doug/Executive Editor


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Kiss of Death by Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
C&CG Staff Reviewer
Executive Editor/Good Times News Weekly


*In loving memory of all those who lost their lives
in the horrid Nazi death camps so many years ago.

"The Kiss of Death"


Doug Donnan

So listen to what I whisper to you  my son, lay down and kiss the ground,
because when the deadly gas begins to spew out it will not make a sound.

These rooms are not designed to cleanse us that I have heard others tell,
they have been built to exterminate us all by these creatures born in hell.

We are all now surrounded by evil in this fiendish camp of death and woe,
so when I do push you down so callously on your belly you must surely go.

I cannot tell you that we will survive the suffering or ever see another day,
so do kiss me and embrace me tight and God please help us I do thee pray.

_____ The End _____

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Good Times News Weekly Issue 19

Doug Donnan
Creator & the Catalyst Global Staff Reviewer

Issue #19




GTNW Executive Editor: Doug Donnan


Today's Contents:

Poem(s) of the Day:

"Dining with Divinity"


Doug Donnan

Jesus blessed both bread and wine,
then the twelve commenced to dine.

It wasn't so much but as things went,
the precious gifts were Heaven sent.

"This is my body and blood," said he,
"when you take them be part of me."

They ate the bread and quaft the wine,
it was indeed the last supper so divine.

___ Amen ___


"The Cornucopia"


Doug Donnan

The entire fruits of your labor spill out before you,
a true golden horn of plenty lies there at your feet.

You appraise the collection with ardent adulation,
and very soon jubilate in its abundance so replete.

However, with keen scrutiny you espy bruises and,
in reality the entire cornucopia is laced with deceit.

Perhaps, you are just a fool playing a fool's game,
the lush and tender morsels are just not so sweet.

_____ The End _____



*Reader participation:

If anyone would like to help with the Good Times News Weekly (GTNW)
just drop us a line! (so to speak) Doug/Executive Editor


Color(s) of the Day:

Black & White


Doug's Personal 'Confusion Says':

Confusion says:

'A porcupine with dull quills is a prick teaser.'

'A turtle with no shell is homeless.'

'An albino chameleon is hueless.'

'An armadillo with no armor is armless.'

'A swordfish with no sword is pointless.'

'A mute owl is who-less.'

'An albino goldfish is just another 'poor' fish in a bowl.'


The Edge of Espanol: 

'That's perfect!': Eso es perfecto!

'Keep going': Continua!

'Don't stop here.': No se detienen aqui!

'It's the only way': Que es la unica manera!



[R][A][Z][E]: To tear down. /// [P][L][A][N][A][R]: Lying in a geometric plane.

[O][L][I][V][I][N][E]: A type of mineral. /// [O][C][E][A][N][A][U][T]: An aquanaut.

[O][T][R][U][D][E]: To push out. /// [M][O][T][I][L][E]: Moving spontaneously.


Thought(s) for the day:

'Getting to the point can't be topped.' (Doug)

'Why is quicksand so slow?' (Doug)

'If you are in a car pool leave the windows down.' (Doug)


Quote(s) of the Day:               

What's the good word?

"If you open up your Bible, you're spreading the word." (Doug)

"Make sure that your Bible's bookmark is a good one." (Doug)

"You can take a vow on a Bible, but never swear on it." (Doug)


Questions, Puzzles & Quizlers of the Day:

> What is a 'Crosier'?

>> What are you doing if you're 'chiding' somebody?                                        

>>> What is a 'Chigoe'?                      

>>>> What does 'Abaft' mean?                       

'Scribes. Songs & Super Stars':

>>>>> Who sang the song 'Ribbon of Darkness'?     

>>>>>> 'Who sang the song 'Kentucky Woman'?                  

>>>>>>> Who played the role of the translator (Warner) in 'Platoon'?                     

Anagram of the Day:

1. Unscramble this word and be happy!: NYEDSDALNI


2. Which of these 3 words is misspelled?:   'Concressence /// 'Evacuee'  /// 'Impassable'   


"Lost Marbles", "Aroused Suspicions"

_____ "Lost Marbles" _____

'You know you've lost your marbles when you play 'Hide and Seek' by yourself.'***   

'You know you've lost your marbles when you ask your wife if she needs your only credit card.'   

'You know you've lost your marbles when you try to teach your gerbil to fetch the mail.'         

'You know you've lost your marbles when you put bacon bits in your lemon Jello.'     

'You know you've lost your marbles when you wear your shower cap to your own Baptism.'***      

'You know you've lost your marbles when you wear your bra on the outside of your blouse.'   

'You know you've lost your marbles when you use your leaf blower to dry your hair.'     

'You know you've lost your marbles when you use your sweat socks as Sunday gloves.'***+LOL 

'You know you've lost your marbles when you pin your new prophylactics to the bulletin board.***  

_____ End "Lost Marbles" _____

_____ "Aroused Suspicions"_____

'You might get suspicious if you see your son wearing a T-shirt that says 'WANT TO METH AROUND?'.       

'You might get suspicious if you see your wife's panties just outside your Great Dane's dog house.'  

'You might get suspicious if you see your wife playing Twister with the plumber.'***++LOL     

'You might get suspicious if you see two men in black going through your trash cans.'  

'You might get suspicious if you see your auto mechanic replacing your entire engine.'  

'You might get suspicious if you find a hornet's nest under your bedroom pillow.'  

'You might get suspicious if you spot a [ Pets Welcome! ] sign at a Thai restaurant.' ***+LOL 

 _____ End "Aroused Suspicions" _____

_____ END GTNW_____ END GTNW _____ END GTNW _____  

*** Doug's 'Pics' of the day
***+ Doug's Favs
***+LOL Doug makes himself laugh
***++LOL (Off the laugh chart!)

'Puzzles, Quizlers & Anagram Answers:

> A ceremonial religious staff.  (Crosier)         

>> Scolding them. (Chide)     

>>> A tropical flea. (Chigoe)                 

>>>> To the rear of. (Abaft)             

>>>>> Gordon Lightfoot

>>>>>> Neil Diamond           

>>>>>>> Johnny Depp     


2. 'Concresence'      




Doug/ GTNW Executive Editor