Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Good Times News Weekly Issue 17

Doug Donnan

Issue #17




GTNW Executive Editor: Doug Donnan


Today's Contents:

Poem(s) of the Day:

*You can also find these two (2) poems in my
C&CG 'Poetry' section.

"Time's Up!"


Doug Donnan

Some folks know when their time is up and some folks never do,
but when you're standing at death's door you won't need a key...

he will open it for you!

___ End ___


"The Warmth of the Sun"


Doug Donnan

You long for its radiant presence as you struggle through the chilly night,
the stars and moon grow intolerable as you long for its balmy white light.

The comfort of its golden cloak is a soothing sanctuary without compare,
its warming amber luminescence is indeed a priceless treasure in the air. 

Soon the radiant beams splay out from behind the distant mountain's lair,
you smile and stretch, then rise along with it. Its glow is soon everywhere.

_____ End _____



*Reader participation:

Write a funny joke and/or experience you've had and send it along to us here at the
C&CG 'Comedy Section'!

If anyone would like to help with the 'C&CG' Good Times News Weekly (GTNW)
just drop us a line! (so to speak) Doug/Executive Editor


Color(s) of the Day:

'Money Green'


Doug's Personal 'Confusion Says':

Confusion says:

Just In Time!

'You can't turn back the clock... but you can turn over an hour glass.' (Doug)

'You can't wind a digital clock.' (Doug)

'A clock has a face, hands and sometimes feet, but no heart or soul.' (Doug)

'A watched pot never boils, but you damn sure better not forget it!' (Doug)

'You can keep time, but you can't stop it!' (Doug)

'Time and Gravity are both universal constants' (Doug)     


The Edge of Espanol: 

'It's an ugly day': Es un dia feo!

'It's a very pretty day': Es un dia muy bonito!

'It's going to rain': Va a llover!

'It's just another day in paradise': Es solo otro dia en el paraiso!



[D][E][S][E][L][E][C][T]: To discharge. /// [D][I][S][P][O][R][T]: To play.

[S][C][H][U][S][S]: A straight descent. /// [S][C][H][W][A]: A vowel sound. 

[E][X][E][G][E][T][E]:A person skilled in scripture. /// [C][A][D][G][E]:To get something by begging.


Thought(s) for the day:

Crying Time:

'If you never cry... you're not completely in tune with your heart.' (Doug)

'Crying is mourning perspiration.' (Doug)

'If you cry in your beer... you will save money on table salt.' (Doug)


Quote(s) of the Day:               

Don't Knock It!

"Don't cry over spilled milk." (Anonymous)

"If you spill your beer... that's alcohol abuse." (Doug)

"Beer can have a head and body, but no heart or soul." (Doug)

"Shaking your beer will not make it less flat." (Doug)

"Beer is never the solution, but it does ease the pain." (Doug)


Questions, Puzzles & Quizlers of the Day:

> What is a 'Tubule'?      

>> What does 'Condign' mean?                                       

>>> What is 'Gravure'?                     

>>>> What is 'Halite'?                       

'Scribes. Songs & Super Stars':

>>>>> Who sang the song 'Going Up the Country'?    

>>>>>> 'Who wrote the novel 'Hawaii'?                 

>>>>>>> Who cut the album: 'Revolver'?                    

Anagram of the Day:

1. Unscramble this word and be happy!: NETCXEITEM


2. Which of these 3 words is misspelled?:  /// 'Herbiverous'  /// 'Lyonaise' /// 'Odious'  


"Lost Marbles", "Aroused Suspicions"

_____ "Lost Marbles" _____

'You know you've lost your marbles when you baste your turkey with an enema bulb.'  

'You know you've lost your marbles when you paint your microwave oven.' 

'You know you've lost your marbles when you offer to help the mailman deliver the mail.'   

'You know you've lost your marbles when you squeeze the Fritos for freshness.'    

'You know you've lost your marbles when you try to teach your hamster to yodel.'***    

'You know you've lost your marbles when you wear an hour glass as a wristwatch.  

'You know you've lost your marbles when you salute the streetsweeper as he drives by.'***    

'You know you've lost your marbles when you put postage stamps on your forehead.'*** 

'You know you've lost your marbles when you smoke while you're jumping rope.' 

'You know you've lost your marbles when you try to play pool with your eyes closed.'*** 

_____ End "Lost Marbles" _____

_____ "Aroused Suspicions"_____

'You might get suspicious if you see your mail thrown into the bushes.'      

'You might get suspicious if you spot your wife crawling out of your neighbor's bedroom window.' 

'You might get suspicious if you discover prophylactics in your wife's yoga bag.'    

'You might get suspicious if you spot a sasquatch walking down your outside basement steps.' 

'You might get suspicious if you find thumbtacks in your running shoes.' 

'You might get suspicious if you find your son is using a Hooters coupon as an anatomy school bookmark.'*** 

'You might get suspicious if you find your daughter's prom dress with mud on the back.'***

'You might get suspicious if you see 'Meth Test Tomorrow!' circled on your son's school notebook.'***+LOL

'You might get suspicious if you see your toothbrush in the toilet bowl.' 

'You might get suspicious if your wife repeatedly calls you Lance and your name is Carl.'

_____ End "Aroused Suspicions" _____

_____ END GTNW_____ END GTNW _____ END GTNW _____  

*** Doug's 'Pics' of the day
***+ Doug's Favs
***+LOL Doug makes himself laugh
***++LOL (Off the laugh chart!)

'Puzzles, Quizlers & Anagram Answers:

>A small tube. (Tubule)        

>> Well deserved. (Condigned)     

>>> A photo printing process. (Gravure)                 

>>>> Rock Salt (Halite)              

>>>>> Canned Heat

>>>>>> James Michener           

>>>>>>> The Beatles    

2. 'Lyonnaise' (cooked with pieces of onion.)      




Doug/ GTNW Executive Editor                      


  1. I am trying to get the GTNW recognized as a humorous, fun for all weekly newspaper!

    Sunday 6//14/2015
    Doug Donnan

  2. "Odyssey for a Poet"

    ('The Poetry Blues')


    Doug Donnan

    You start out to pen some new magical and hearfelt poem,
    but soon your mind starts to drift and does begin to roam.

    You sit on the ottoman with your sharpened pencil in hand,
    but soon you do have a daydream about some foreign land.

    You shake your dreamy head awake and take a little sigh,
    but soon you're back atop the Sphinx, way, oh way, up high.

    You do collect your senses and make a scratchy tiny mark,
    but soon you're back in Cairo on yet another carefree lark.

    You really don't know if this poetry stuff is cut out for you,
    but you love your trips and voyages across the ocean blue.

    _____ Bon Voyage! _____
