Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Kiss of Death by Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
C&CG Staff Reviewer
Executive Editor/Good Times News Weekly


*In loving memory of all those who lost their lives
in the horrid Nazi death camps so many years ago.

"The Kiss of Death"


Doug Donnan

So listen to what I whisper to you  my son, lay down and kiss the ground,
because when the deadly gas begins to spew out it will not make a sound.

These rooms are not designed to cleanse us that I have heard others tell,
they have been built to exterminate us all by these creatures born in hell.

We are all now surrounded by evil in this fiendish camp of death and woe,
so when I do push you down so callously on your belly you must surely go.

I cannot tell you that we will survive the suffering or ever see another day,
so do kiss me and embrace me tight and God please help us I do thee pray.

_____ The End _____

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