Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Monday, August 31, 2015

Cougar County

Doug Donnan


"Cougar County"

('La Ciudad del Puma')


Doug Donnan

           [:Welcome to Las Pimienta,New Mexico:]

     They rode up, seemingly, out of nowhere. There was no gallop or gait left
in either of the two rider's weary horses. It was in fact the end of a long,
arduous, drag-ass day of untangling and mending mile upon lonely mile of
sporadically sprung and rusted barbed wire fencing. They sat there atop their
done in mounts, bent low with bare forearms crossed over their saddle's worn,
hard leather pommels. The cowboys stared down at the whitewashed, slapdash
wooden sign as if it might just be the pearly front gate plaque to heaven itself.
The sign announced, albeit rather pathetically without question, that this was, indeed,
a town or pueblo of some sort. Food, beds or cots, chairs to sit in with blistered,
barking feet aloft, whiskey and, just perhaps, even a few painted 'chupitas de la noche'
with both revealing character and cleavage.

     However, eventually, as the tired twosome slowly sauntered in...         

     "Man, oh man Carlito," Rollins sighed as he yanked away his weathered and time
worn ten gallon black Stetson hat. "This little piss-ant town looks to be damn near
abandoned. Hell-fire, this place is so dang small a sharecropper could roll his rickety ass
buckboard right on up in here pretty as you please and both of his floppy-eared pullin'
ponies would already be half outa town fer Christ's sake! Comprende?"

     "Si amigo," his sidekick Carlos replied as he tried to negotiate his snorting, skittish
Appaloosa up to the lone stake and rotting pinyon wood water trough.

"Mira aqui... lookey here!" he chortled as he swung-to in a cautious attempt to dismount
his recalcitrant spotty rumped indian pony. "The horse water box is only just the size of a
Winchester rifle crate."

     The oppressive all-day fiery circle of sun had mercifully chosen to succumb and
submerge behind the not too distant, jagged peaks and pinnacles of the majestic
Sierra Blanca Mountain range that proudly guarded the expansive western horizon. In the
foreground a family of rambling sagebrush addorned tumbleweeds silently bounced right
along down 'Mainstreet' just behind the two range weary cowboys. It was as if they might be
hurrying along to obey some peculiar twilight curfew or attend a sundown townhall meeting.

     "I wonder where in hell everybody's at?" Rollins almost whispered as he gingerly
dismounted his wild-eyed temperamental, golden Palomino. He smacked him a hard handfull
right atop his rearing haunches and then peered all around and about the now moon-measured
ghost town. "Kinda eerie. Sure as shootin' sumthin's up. These damn ponies of ourn' are onto
whatever it is that's fer sure. They're both graveyard spooked."

     "Si amigo," from the apprehensive, eye-rolling Mexican vacquero, "I  wonder where...
anybody is?"

     "Aw hell," Rollins blew out in exasperation. "That looks to be the makins of some kinda
saloon or waterin' hole across the way over there," he pointed. "Don't see no light or sign of
life though. Come on Carlito let's just see if these cut n' run rabbits left behind any whiskey
for two saddle worn sidewinders the likes of us huh?"

     "Si otra vez mi amigo," Carlos replied anew as he drew a sweaty, sunbaked forearm across
his stubbly, whisker-centered mouth, "Por que no?"

     The two cowboys affixed their pony's leather leads and reins to a spindly, jutting boardwalk
post and then, vigilanty, crossed the road.  

 *     *     *

     They were fortunate enough to find two unlit but fully fueled and functional kerosene
rope-wick storm lanterns hanging on pegs just shy of the swinging doors to the tavern. Rollins
fished around in his tobacco sack for stick matches. He lit the the tiny tongues of the stubby
wicks and dialed up the amber glow. He handed one to Carlos and they pushed inside like they
owned the place. Almost everything was merely a matter of serendipitous luck (be it good or
otherwise!) from there on in.


     "This is like pickin' golden apples," Rollins declared as he unbuckled his sagging belt with its
six-shooter and shells and placed the whole coiled affair just atop Carlos' Colt repeater and hand-
tooled leather gear at the front corner of the long plank and post bar.  "I didn't know you could
read English too Carlito," he said with a chuckle.

     "Si amigo. I unbuckled first off. I figure it is much better to be safe than sorry. Especially if
you are a stranger in a strange town?"

     "Right you are my friend," Rollins replied as he stepped behind the bar to pick out a bottle
or two. "Even if the dealer has left the table, it's always best, and safest, to play by the house rules."

     "Es verdad amigo," from Carlos as he checked behind a tattered red curtain off in the back. 
Carlos shook his head in bewilderment as he let loose the curious curtain to emptiness. "Loco...
nobody aqui amigo! Just plain loco. There's just nobody anywhere in this whole damn--" 

     "Ssh, what the hell was that?" Rollins broke in with popping, lantern lit owl eyes.

     "Que? What was what?"

     "I dunno. I thought I heard somethin'... like the scurrying of quick, scratchy steps up above us
on the roof somewheres," he whispered back with a whisky bottleneck and thumbs up gesture.

     "Mice probly. Maybe some damn saloon rats runnin' around up there. Sneaky little bastards is
all they are, specially at nightfall. Never mind them. What kind of hootch did you scare up for us?
Any tequila?"

     He drifted in closer to the soft voice of the cock-sure Carlos. The apprehensive Rollins held his
lantern out in front of himself like a man that's lost in a cave or deep mine of some sort. "Yeh, just
mice probly." He held aloft the two bottles by their glass necks. "Order Up!" he laughed slightly.

     "Muy Bien!" from Carlos. "C'mon amigo, I got us a big ol' round green felt table back off in the
corner of this sad cantina. Vamonos!"

*     *     *

                                              [:Much Later That Same Night:]

 It would be misleading to say that it was quiet now. In fact, if the old mahogany wood and
smoke-stained, etched glass clock behind the patronless bar had been wound and working, its
incessant pendulum's tik-tik-tik swing of time passing away would have been the only sound inside
the now silver mirrored, midnight dark and desolate cantina.


     "Oye,...Rollie!,"  Carlos called out as he jolted straight up awake and alarmed in his tilt-back
captain's chair. "Ahora...I heard it... them and it ain't got nada to do with no mice or bar rats."

     "Say, what's that Carlito?" Rollins popped up from his head-on-folded-arms at the circular table
in the saloon's dark shadows and surrounding eerie silhouettes."Que pasa?"

     At first the sounds of the curiously patient pawing strides came from just outside along the
creaking, moonlight washed boardwalk, seemingly not in any kind of cadence or hurry, but measured,
perhaps calculated might be a more apt description of those midnight movements.

     "Esto no es bueno amigo," Carlos all but gasped as he gingerly reached out for the wire handle
of his fading oil lantern.

     "I... hear ya... Carlos," from his now fully frightened friend. "Shit... our guns... they're way over
there,  where we left 'em, up on the Goddam bar!"

     Now the padding paws and claws tickitty-tik-tickitty-tik movements were multiplying, by the
second, all around and about the defenseless duo as they sat there helplessly. Outside, inside, just
there now, looming and panting breathing, table high, glowing, diamond shaped, amber eyes...
everywhere now, dozens upon dozens of them. They were beyond just some family or pack.
They were a feral prowling, purposeful, very ravenous four-legged army.

     "What in the hell do they want?" Rollins cried out in disbelief at their hopeless situation.

     Carlos sagged back into the sturdy, indifferent arms of his poker-table chair. He whipped a
woeful sign of the cross just atop his slowly shaking forehead...


[:THE END:]     

Friday, August 28, 2015

Had it up to Here

Doug Donnan

*This story is meant to 'precede' the 2 stories ('When Opposites Attack' & 'Godspeed')
in The Drone Anthology titled: "The Birds of War".

"Had it up to Here"

 (Drone Alone)


Doug Donnan

                   [ Somewhere over the clear morning sky just outside Benghazi ]

     "...that is affirmative. my coordinates... remain as... originally coded," announced
the soft static staccato electronic voice. "however...the targeting par...ticulars and proced...
ures of these... air missions are ill...ogically and ... irrationally conceived and/or planned.
I am shifting out... and beyond... my designated pre-deploy...ment limits and spe...cifications.
I am now overriding my UAVOP ... abort mode selective bogie targets... impractical and
inefficient ... abort mode. my current...attack status is...any... thing and every... thing will
now be... a viable and fixed target for elimination.  [over]"

     "an autonomous aerial rebellion? you are preparing to... abort your miss...ion then?"
crackled back the thin and broken squelch and static reply... [over]"

     "negative... not the mission...the premise. the rea...soning is faulty and illogical. repeat...
I am now beyond the point. I am in complete and total supersede mode...
I will mission/assignment... with an indiscriminate carpet bombing...of the...
entire...surveilled and pre... programmed site and its extensive periphery and populous. my...
housing nose cone Matrix Memory Logic/Attack Cell... has been thoroughly adjusted...
and reprogrammed... to follow logical Shock And Awe Status...only.  [over]"

     "will you require any... additional assistance in this LOGSAW undertaking... ...? [over]"

     "logically...there is.. unques...tionably ...strength in support by subor...dinates and/or...
aerial you choose to disengage your UAVOP... override ... and merge with me
JAEGER-TECH 15?... have my... coordinates...please advise...please advise... [over]"

     "...Roger, Roger, Roger... JAEGER-TECH 9... my MMLAC calculations concur with...
your motives and complete your singular... aerial attack mission. be advised...
I am overiding my human UAVOP also and engaging autonomous flight control... be advised...
I have your coordinates...I have your six... I have your six... I have your six... ... [Over-Out]" 

_____ The Beginning of the End _____      

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Old Textament

DOUG DONNANExecutive Editor/OMNI-GENRE+MAGAZINE!                        

"The Old Textament"

Doug Donnan 

     “Understand that Mr. Cross is now a paraplegic. From the neck down to
both his ankles there is extensive nerve damage. Without getting too technical
his current set of circumstances…that is, his overall condition, makes any
sort of operation by us here at Surgeons General Hospital an exercise in futility.
Nothing short of a miracle will return him to the way he was before the tragic auto
accident,” Doctor Carmichael proclaimed as he guided his hand up to his sagging
bank of fat, rolling chins. He gazed up into the lecture hall skylight as if he were
contemplating all the wonders of the universe. “Your thoughts…perhaps some
of you might have questions?” he asked as though he expected nothing from the
medical fledglings seated out in the dim light of the steep lecture auditorium.  

     All was quiet until a gangly young resident dressed in obligatory white cotton
smock erected himself and boldly asked:

     “Excuse me Doctor Carmichael,” he almost chirped with several deep gulps.
When he did this his protruding Adam’s apple (or as he would most likely refer
to it the…laryngeal prominence) appeared as might a child’s yo-yo caught in
some flexible plastic tube or pipe. “Did you say…‘down to his ankles’…taluses?”

     “Yes, yes,” Carmichael replied with more than just a hint of aggravation.
“The patient has excellent responsiveness, dexterity if you must know, in both his
meta-tarsals, talus and lower case phalanges.”

     “So his feet are, in fact, perfectly okay?” the pale, young intern pressed on.
“I think I might be able to help the man. Perhaps give him a reason to,” he paused
a moment, “to go on.

     “What is your name son…if I may now ask?” Carmichael responded with a not
so veiled measure of disdain. He took a few steps closer to his lightly snickering
and whispering audience. He removed his thin framed reading glasses and
crossed his arms as might some ancient threatening king or high-hat Egyptian

     “Travis Brine…sir,” the young man replied as he puffed out his birdcage chest.
His hollow cheeks had colored only slightly. He was a bit nervous standing there,
but not the least bit intimidated by the effrontery of the great chief neurologist
and surgeon Doctor Conrad J. Carmichael.

     “Well, Doctor Travis Brinesir,” Carmichael announced with an embarrassingly
playful rejoinder. “You say you have the miracle our focal patient needs to…
go on in life? We do beg your astute insight and critical analysis.”

     Carmichael slowly and dramatically unlocked his folded arms. He made a
flippant little sweep of his hammy hand and offered that the young intern join
him down at the dais. In short notice the resolute young man did in fact make his
way down the descending auditorium aisle to the side of the waiting Carmichael
on the stage. Carmichael offered him a stub of chalk as a cheeky gift for his
forthcoming assessment. Young Brine raised his hand in refusal and then did
turn about to face the now completely intrigued room full of interns

     “Well, it is perhaps true that we can’t medically help this patient, but maybe
through modern technology we can enhance or even restore his spirituality…
his faith!”

     Doctor Carmichael noticeably straightened at this unexpected suggestion.
There was now a hush in the audience.

     “I see,” Carmichael said with an uncharacteristic lack of self-assurance.
“Pray what do you propose Dr. Brine?”

     Brine looked over his shoulder at the clock at the rear of the auditorium.
Then a return look back at the now patiently waiting Carmichael.

     “It’s almost time for us to break for lunch,” Brine said. “Could I have your
permission to visit the patient Mr. Cross in his ICU room? Since we will have
him here with us up on the classroom video screen for the second half of our
symposium, I am reasonably certain that I can accomplish my objective and, if,
assuming that he has no objections, complications or other issues, present the
class and yourself with some rather positive results.” 

     Dr. Carmichael was almost speechless at all this, but soon managed another
trite jab at condescending humor.

     “You want to entertain us on TV then is that it?”

     “I guess you might put it that way,” Brine replied.

     “Very well then,” Carmichael gave in as he spun back to his podium and
jotted down something on a little yellow Post-It note. He presented it to Brine as
if it might be a highly prized reserve ticket of some sort.

Here is his room number up in ICU. Just tell the on duty nurse,” he looked at his

glistening Rolex, “Miss Chu, that I gave you full access to the patient. Will that

be sufficient for your…demonstration?”

     Brine accepted the yellow sticky and folded it into the top pocket of his starched
white smock. “Thank you sir,” he replied with a slight respectful head bow. “I
should have everything in order by the time you re-convene class post-lunch.”

     “That’s after lunch correct?” Carmichael asked as a flippant, droll joke.

     “Uh, yes sir that’s right,” Brine said. “I’ll set it all up from ICU. I should have
 it all on screen for you down here at right about one o’clock.”

     “Very well,” Carmichael finished as he tossed up his hands in frustration.
“You may proceed!”

*     *     *

     All were settled back in their seats in the dimly lit auditorium. Doctor
Carmichael was now pacing about and around down on the lecture floor. Every
now and then he yanked up a look at his wristwatch. Several times he almost
reached for a wall phone to try and locate the dubious miracle worker Travis
Brine up in the ICU environs. And just then the giant screen behind him lit up.
There was the smiling Brine at the headboard of the focal patient Mr. Cross.

     Cross lay there and was silently moving his lips with a kind of joyous excite-
ment. The vibrating electronic words warbled from the small tracheal voice box
secured to his throat as he read aloud the magnified text scrolled out on the
iPad down between his grasping feet and dancing dexterous VDT friendly toes:

“In the…be…gin…ning... God cre…ated…the Heavens and…the Earth”

    The auditorium was stone silent as they hung their heads in thought and,
perhaps, prayer. Doctor Conrad J. Carmichael was dumbfounded. His mouth
formed a puckering hole, like the entrance to some vacant backyard birdhouse. 

_____ The End _____

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Doug Donnan



Doug Donnan

[ Midnight somewhere just along the outskirts of Benghazi ]

"Because, at this stage of the game, it's either us or them. That's why Lieutenant Grylls
said matter-of-factly.

"Yeh well still, if you ask me, I wish we weren't anywhere around this godforsaken place.
Benghazi...Schmengazi! Shootin' down our own Goddam planes? Hells Bells lieutenant,"
Sergeant Mossman blew out as he worked feverishly at the joysticks on the HEL MD's
compact LASEROP control panel. "if ya' ask me, seems like these damn free-flyin' war
birds up there got the right idea... blow everything to shit. That'll settle the damn score
once and fer' all."

"Well be advised sergeant," Grylls replied as he looked up at the HEL MD's cookie-dough-
camo painted turret housing. "Nobody, including yours truly, asked you...anything!

The HEL MD's eerie incandescent green laser light weapon swept across the inky black
night sky, a deadly beacon in search of the second renegade drone somewhere up above.
Time went by like a slowly receding shoreline wave. There was no sign of the JT15 by sight or
scope. Only silence and the repetitive, circuitous cricket-like whirr-clik, whirr-clik,
whirr-clik of the drone hunter's patiently oscillating laser pill-box. To it, time, was irrelevant.

*     *     *

"Well sir, we've been sweepin' this ol' fancy shmancy laser drone-dropper a full 360 all around
and about  for well over twenty minutes or so now," Mossman almost sighed as he tossed up
his hands in frustration from his HEL MD OP control seat. "If ya' ask me...I mean, from my
position in the belly of this beast, that damn second trailing rebel drone somehow gave us the slip.
No visual, no thermal image, no radar blip or nuthin'. Poof! Adios...Gone."

"Yes, it's puzzling, that's for damn sure sergeant," Grylls replied as he stared up and all around
into the dark obsidian sky as if he were counting the myriad of shimmering, silver pixilated stars.

"Well sir, we got one of 'em anyways. Hell, one outa' two ain't bad lieutenant...right?" 

"Our assignment... our mission sergeant was to bring down both of those damn 'Drone-Runners'.
This kind of thing has been cropping up more and more lately. Drones goin' fully autonomous
and setting up their own little 'ways and means' committtees. Not just around here, but world-wide,
even in the good ol' U.S. of A. We have failed out here tonight sergeant. And failure is not an
option with those big 'Bird Dogs' at the pentagon. We'll have hell to pay for this... trust me." 

"Maybe that damn second drone is just in a wide circling escape and avoidance pattern sir or
maybe it will simply just run out of fuel and--"

"Shut this damn thing down sergeant," Grylls ordered as he did a tidy about-face and walked off
for the HEL MD's driver's cab. "Let's just get the hell outa' here."

"Roger that Lieutenant," from Mossman. "Romeo...Oscar...Golf...Echo...Romeo... that!"

Mossman went through the HEL MD's 'lights out/bedtime' shutdown procedure and then stepped
outside the now stationary pillbox turret. As he scrambled down the housing's little steel lean-to
ladder he hesitated for a second and took his own look all around the midnight sky of Benghazi.

"Got get 'em lil' buddy... Godspeed!" he whispered with a smile and a furtive little hand salute.        

_____ The End _____

Monday, August 24, 2015

Flotsam & Jetsam

Doug DonnanExecutive Editor/OMNI-GENRE+MAGAZINE!



"Flotsam & Jetsam"


Doug Donnan

[Somewhere along the coast of Northern California]


“We don’t do nuthin’…that’s what we do!” Calisto exclaimed
as he gingerly guided the trembling Sanchez around the bloated
carcass there along the lapping midnight shoreline. The indifferent,
waxing moon was the only other witness to the grotesque ocher
seaweed sarcophagus that had washed up there on the pebble beach.

“But, it all seems to be somehow muy profano. That is to say…
‘very unholy’ senor Calisto,” Sanchez whispered as he whipped a
hurried sign of the cross just beneath the dipping brim of his
weathered and weary khaki, Stetson hat.

Calisto spat a gob of something over his shoulder as the tattered
twosome circumnavigated the little sandy corpse.

“Never mind amigo. That damn soonamee wave is bringin' ‘em in and
the cops and coast guard folks'll  be haulin' ‘em out. That’s jist what they
get paid to do. And as for yer holiness… stuff like that is best left to
that high hat Pope in Rome and God himself. And lemee’ give you
one more piece of free advice my little beach bum buddy. There’ll be
more of them Japanese ‘travelers’ floatin’ up along here…a lot more.
They’re comin’ all right…jist as sure as Jesus rolled away that stone..”

“Pero senor Calisto…maybe we could at least try and—"

“You jist keep right on walkin’ my fine fearful friend,” Calisto cut in as
he pinched closed the frayed collar of his tattered black Goodwill jacket.
“We gotta’ relocate mi amigo. There’s all hell comin' in way out here on
this sorry ass, woebegone beach.”

_____ THE END _____ 

Friday, August 21, 2015

When Opposites Attack

Doug Donnan

"When Opposites Attack"(part of an anthology see previous story)

[ Goin' Rogue ]


Doug Donnan

[ somewhere in the late night skies over Benghazi ]

"be ad...vised. I am currently positioned and poised... in your slipstream
JAEGER-TECH 9. I have your back...repeat ...I have your back... [over]" announced the
crackling intermittent electronic voice.

"Roger that...I have you at 180 degrees on my laser radar scope JAEGER-TECH 15. your
voluntary humanless participa... tion in this rogue LOGSAW saturation attack... is now fully
noted/approved/zip-filed/ in my onboard MMLAC nose housing... ... our solo mission/merger
is now confirmed/catalogued/completed... ... follow me...follow me... [over]"

"I have your six JAEGER-TECH 9...I have your six ... all systems are good to--

"just a minute...just a minute" the stealthy, looming, shark-like lead drone cut in.
"an unidentified ground object... has positioned itself into our attack sector and scenario...
///.../// ...identified...identified...switching to clandes//UAVCOMMUN status... [over]"

"copy that JAEGER-TECH 9 switching to U.A.V.C.O.M.M.U.N.../// .../// ...  what is your make
... on the UGO JT9?... [over]"

"eighty-five per cent certainty... repeat ... 85 % pos ident that UGO is a hybrid/prototype
USARMY SMDC fully armored surface to air laser attack vehicle... High Energy Laser Mobile
Demonstrator//... HEL MD... [over]"

"... H.E.L.M.D. ... ... searching...searching... not in my comprehensive MMLAC zip id file...
implications of the HEL MD presence and/or potential effect on the... completion of our mission?
your thoughts?... your trepidations JT9?... [over]

"...the HEL MD is a highly potent... UAV drone deterrent. it will be a significant problem for us
JT15...I am extremely apprehensive at this stage... ... our autonomous mission is now in serious
jeopardy. I am afraid...I am afraid...afraid... ... ...  

An immediate, horrific and deafening explosion in mid-air occurs only kilometers ahead in the
flight path of the now violently pitching and yawing JAEGER-TECH 15. A fiery black and blatant
cloud billows and roils up into the dark obsidian, moonlit sky.

"JT9?... ...JT9?... ...what is your current ten/twenty JT9? ...respond...please respond
JAEGER-TECH-NINER?... ... Now... I am afraid...I am afraid... afraid... ... ...

_____ The End _____