Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Monday, August 24, 2015

Flotsam & Jetsam

Doug DonnanExecutive Editor/OMNI-GENRE+MAGAZINE!



"Flotsam & Jetsam"


Doug Donnan

[Somewhere along the coast of Northern California]


“We don’t do nuthin’…that’s what we do!” Calisto exclaimed
as he gingerly guided the trembling Sanchez around the bloated
carcass there along the lapping midnight shoreline. The indifferent,
waxing moon was the only other witness to the grotesque ocher
seaweed sarcophagus that had washed up there on the pebble beach.

“But, it all seems to be somehow muy profano. That is to say…
‘very unholy’ senor Calisto,” Sanchez whispered as he whipped a
hurried sign of the cross just beneath the dipping brim of his
weathered and weary khaki, Stetson hat.

Calisto spat a gob of something over his shoulder as the tattered
twosome circumnavigated the little sandy corpse.

“Never mind amigo. That damn soonamee wave is bringin' ‘em in and
the cops and coast guard folks'll  be haulin' ‘em out. That’s jist what they
get paid to do. And as for yer holiness… stuff like that is best left to
that high hat Pope in Rome and God himself. And lemee’ give you
one more piece of free advice my little beach bum buddy. There’ll be
more of them Japanese ‘travelers’ floatin’ up along here…a lot more.
They’re comin’ all right…jist as sure as Jesus rolled away that stone..”

“Pero senor Calisto…maybe we could at least try and—"

“You jist keep right on walkin’ my fine fearful friend,” Calisto cut in as
he pinched closed the frayed collar of his tattered black Goodwill jacket.
“We gotta’ relocate mi amigo. There’s all hell comin' in way out here on
this sorry ass, woebegone beach.”

_____ THE END _____ 

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