Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Friday, August 7, 2015

Reservations at the Roach Motel

Doug Donnan

Executive Editor/OMNI-GENRE+MAGAZINE!                                                                   

'Reservations at the Roach Motel'                             


Doug Donnan

                       (Lay-Z-Bones Trailer Park / 5:30 A.M.)
      The two black cockroaches stood there just along the baseboard of the
bump out kitchenette. The sun hadn’t quite risen yet, but the dusty window
blinds just above the motor home’s brushed aluminum sink were gradually
turning an ominous shade of burnt orange. The yellow plastic wall clock just
above the red and white checked linoleum table whispered tick…tick…tick

     “Because Jacob, you are younger and much stronger than I,” murmured
Esau matter-of-factly.

     “Ha! yeh younger, by less than one minute,” Jacob replied with a ‘cocky’
contempt. “You’re just plain scared Esau. Why don’t you admit it? You’ve
heard all the damned stories too haven’t you?”

     “Stories?” asked Esau as he looked behind his onyx body into the far off
murky shadows of the trailer’s angular makeshift living room. “What stories?”

     “Don’t give me that crap,” from Jacob as he flicked a spiny front leg at the
round red plastic front entrance door to the silent cardboard cylinder. “The
impossibly sticky floor inside, the pungent but attractive scent of rancid cheese.
And let’s not forget these mysterious doors. The old ones say that you can sure
as hell get in, but there ain’t no gettin’ out… on either end of this thing. It’s a
damn trap my brother, just as sure as we’re standin’ here in the dark.”

     “You’ve been spendin’ too much time under those damn claptrap cabinets
Jacob. Those are all just wild old tall tales and rumors dreamed up by those
very same aged ones who never venture out from the comfort of their chosen
nooks and crannies. Now look little brother, we don’t have much time left. It’s
gonna’ be sunup soon and then we’ll have to skedaddle on outa’ here.”

     “Okay, I’ll be the guinea pig on this little adventure, but you just mark my
words Esau, if I get in there and can’t get back out, there’ll be hell to pay for
you the rest of your low-crawling midnight life...understand?” 

     “Yes, yes I understand, but I’m gonna’ hold the door open so that ain’t
likely to happen. Now just go on in there and grab that damn cheese or what-
ever it is and lets get outa’ here alright?”

     “Dammit okay!” from Jacob and he pushed, feelers first, into the tube’s
red plastic front door.

                                                (1 minute later)
    “What the hell is goin’ on in there Jacob?” Esau tried as he scrapped a
scrawny black leg around the side of the cardboard cylinder. “I can’t hold
this damn door open much longer. Hurry up it’s gettin’ light outsi— 


     Like a brilliant blast of white phosphorescent lightning the entire
kitchenette was engulfed in white light. Esau dropped the door and skittered
all around and about the slippery black and white linoleum tile in a desperate
search for some nearby dark sanctuary. But it was far too late…


     The long, broad straw brush of the broom slapped down on him like the
wrath of God. There soon followed several swift sweeping slaps and then…


     Out the screen door across the three, lawn-green Astroturf front steps and
onto the pea stone parking area he flew. He landed on the curving surface of
his obsidian back, but did quickly right himself and slip beneath some jagged
cracks in the sea of colored pebbles. There he hid... silent and still as death.

*     *     *

     “What in the hell is goin’ on out there Esau?” Jacob called out through
an ever so slight crack in the door’s plastic rim. “I finally got this thing freed
up. I’m gonna’ have to drag it outa’ here. It’s heavy as hell and…Hey, you
let this damn door close down.” Outside he could just barely make out the
sound of the front door of the trailer swinging shut. Then ominous shuffling
footsteps, perhaps those house slippers that he has heard in the past, now
coming and still coming…closer.

     “Esau let me outa here quick,” he screamed as he jiggled around inside the
claustrophobic confines of the tubular tomb. “I told you. I told you dammit...


_____ The End _____

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