Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Friday, August 21, 2015

When Opposites Attack

Doug Donnan

"When Opposites Attack"(part of an anthology see previous story)

[ Goin' Rogue ]


Doug Donnan

[ somewhere in the late night skies over Benghazi ]

"be ad...vised. I am currently positioned and poised... in your slipstream
JAEGER-TECH 9. I have your back...repeat ...I have your back... [over]" announced the
crackling intermittent electronic voice.

"Roger that...I have you at 180 degrees on my laser radar scope JAEGER-TECH 15. your
voluntary humanless participa... tion in this rogue LOGSAW saturation attack... is now fully
noted/approved/zip-filed/ in my onboard MMLAC nose housing... ... our solo mission/merger
is now confirmed/catalogued/completed... ... follow me...follow me... [over]"

"I have your six JAEGER-TECH 9...I have your six ... all systems are good to--

"just a minute...just a minute" the stealthy, looming, shark-like lead drone cut in.
"an unidentified ground object... has positioned itself into our attack sector and scenario...
///.../// ...identified...identified...switching to clandes//UAVCOMMUN status... [over]"

"copy that JAEGER-TECH 9 switching to U.A.V.C.O.M.M.U.N.../// .../// ...  what is your make
... on the UGO JT9?... [over]"

"eighty-five per cent certainty... repeat ... 85 % pos ident that UGO is a hybrid/prototype
USARMY SMDC fully armored surface to air laser attack vehicle... High Energy Laser Mobile
Demonstrator//... HEL MD... [over]"

"... H.E.L.M.D. ... ... searching...searching... not in my comprehensive MMLAC zip id file...
implications of the HEL MD presence and/or potential effect on the... completion of our mission?
your thoughts?... your trepidations JT9?... [over]

"...the HEL MD is a highly potent... UAV drone deterrent. it will be a significant problem for us
JT15...I am extremely apprehensive at this stage... ... our autonomous mission is now in serious
jeopardy. I am afraid...I am afraid...afraid... ... ...  

An immediate, horrific and deafening explosion in mid-air occurs only kilometers ahead in the
flight path of the now violently pitching and yawing JAEGER-TECH 15. A fiery black and blatant
cloud billows and roils up into the dark obsidian, moonlit sky.

"JT9?... ...JT9?... ...what is your current ten/twenty JT9? ...respond...please respond
JAEGER-TECH-NINER?... ... Now... I am afraid...I am afraid... afraid... ... ...

_____ The End _____            

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