Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Doug Donnan
Executive Editor/OM-GEN+



Doug Donnan

                           [ Midnight /// Creech Air Force Base /// Nevada ]

It was so cold the night of the 'Special Delivery' that even the stars themselves appeared
to be frozen in place, unblinking it appeared. The various UAV research and development
technicians and a few upper echelon Air Force personnel were on pins and needles in
nervous, excited anticipation as they milled about the tarmac trying to keep warm and
watchful. This was to be the initial, experimental FedEx overseas drone delivery service
flight. Code named 'Stop and Drop', It was considered highly top secret by each and all
of the parties involved.

Two of the FedEx field reps were, supposedly, waiting in one of their signature, small
panel van delivery trucks off by itself fifty yards down in the murky shadows of the
expansive, pin-lit runway.

The little white van's engine was running and the heater was on.

"What the hell makes them so special anyway professor Van de Meer? How come they
don't come  on out here and freeze their asses off like the rest of us idiots?" General
Brinkerhoff bellowed at the diminutive autonomous drone research and development
specialist as he performed a silly series of militaryish, warm-up jumping jacks.

"You may have just answered your very own question general," Van de Meer replied
from somewhere inside the hood of his glow-in-the dark orange parka. "I'm certain that
they have a variety of reasons, maybe concerns would be a better word, about this
entire furtive autonomous drone 'Stop and Drop' mission."

"Concerns huh?" Brinkerhoff chattered. "Well, I'm giving you even odds they're no
more certain that this whole damn thing is gonna' work out than any of the rest of us.
Just what exactly is this flying FedEx brainiac bird supposed to be delivering to us...
you way out here tonight? What's so damn secret and special about all this anyway?"

Van de Meer took a sort of curious puppy dog look over at the jumping general trying
to decide how he should respond to this series of boorish questions. He made a snap
decision to just go ahead and lay it all out there for this Air Force ass.

"Well sir, without getting too overly technical, this autonomous drone delivery is a
collaboration between us here at Creech UAV Research and Development and the
internationally renowned Fed Ex delivery corporation. They have decided to go all in
on the burgeoning UAV drone game. We, on the same token, are trying to stay on
top of things in this same growing robotic air show. We have formed a sort of pact
with FedEx and---"

"Damn it man. I don't want a speech about all the back scratching business you've
got going on with these package delivery dimwits. Just get to the point. What's this
damn mysterious, maltese falcon robotic delivery bird packing?"

"It's an extremely sensitive, and I dare say fragile, piece of anti-drone equipment
that was designed and developed for us exclusively over in England. Years in the
making, this 100 KW laser lens is a one of a kind prototype part for our HEL-MD
anti-drone laser vehicles... a.k.a. 'The Drone Killers'. We are extremely anxious to
get our hands on it and put it through its paces out at our White Sands Missile Range
in New Mexico. That being said, any terrorist organization would be equally delighted
to get their nefarious hands on it. Hence the clandestine rendezvous out here tonight."

"Ray guns and robotic roses stuff huh? Sure sounds like something a damn Star Trek
terrorist group would die for... pun intended. Does Homeland Security or any of those
other political pecker heads know about any of this shit?" Brinkerhoff stopped and
said with a sly look all around at the knot of authorized watchers and waiters.

"Absolutely not. We took great pains to keep a tight lid on this whole S&D mission.
The loop we are in out here is extremely tight and true."

"Tight and true huh?" Brinkerhoff chattered and chided. "Let's just hope that this
loop were in doesn't turn out to be a damn noose. And another thing, I think that
ISIS and all the others are completely hard wired into just about everything that we---"

"Look! Up in the sky! That's the FedEx drone coming in now!" Van de Meer cut in.

All eyes followed the silhouette of the swooping drone as it silently touched down
like some aerial apparition. It very soon appeared to be taxying in with a purpose
down the long, flat stretch of ghostly midnight tarmac.

The FedEx overseas, overnight autonomous drone 'Special Delivery' had arrived.

*     *    *

"It should begin slowing down here shortly," Van de Meer decided as he rubbed
his orange mittens together like a homeless man being seated at a Thanksgiving
dinner with all the trimmings. "The drone is supposedly designed to deploy an
unloading chute or ramp of some kind and the package will gingerly issue out
via a hatch somewhere along its tubular fuselage."

"Does that damn delivery drone know or even care that we're waiting out here?"
Brinkerhoff chattered as he watched the steamy clouds of his breath float off into
the chilly night.

"I... suppose so," Van de Meer replied nervously. "Oh hell, not now!" He yelped
in exasperation as he slipped off a mitten and dug down deep into his parka pocket
for his wildly ringing, vibrating cell phone.

"What do you want?" Van de Meer shouted after he flipped the little phone open.

"They... somebody... got past security and made off with our new prototype HEL-MD
drone killer... sir.  They crashed right into and over the top of the fortified chain link
periphery gate like they were on some kind of damn life or death re-po mission."

"WHAT?" Van de Meer shouted out incredulously. "Who in the hell is this anyway?"

"This is Bernard Beasley sir... I'm one of your CUAV R&D assistants over here at--"

"What are you talking about Beasley?" Van de Meer blasted in. "This simply can't
be happening. Everything is in place for the FedEx drone delivery drop off out here
on the damn runway. Everything is go for Christ sakes!"

"Well sir... I don't quite know... what to say," Beasley stammered back in response.
"It would appear that we have us a major problem on our hands."

"You simpleton Beasley," Van de Meer cried out. "Find out where that damn HEL-MD
vehicle is you idiot. Get our Creech Security Team all over it. We're dead in our tracks
without,that HEL-MD... literally."

"But I can't... I mean..."

"Just do it damn it! Now!... and keep me posted." Van de Meer shouted and then
flipped the phone closed and stuffed it back in his pocket.

Before he could re-focus on the drone delivery situation at hand Brinkerhoff called out
in disbelief as they all watched in shock and disbelief the now speeding FedEx van tear
across the tarmac. 

"Jesus Christ! What are those FedEx bastards in the van doing? It looks like they're
gonna' ram into their own damn drone!"

Before Van de Meer, or anyone else for that matter, could respond or react to the
insane incredulity of the moment the speeding truck plowed into the taxying drone's
crossing tale and rudder assembly with a crippling crunch.

The overnight 'Stop & Drop'/Special Drone Delivery had been crudely interupted.

"Look There!" Van de Meer finally managed as he snapped back into the midnight
reality that was now taking place before their very eyes. "The hatch and chute were
activated either by design or because of the collision. There's the HEL-MD package
coming out the chute now!"

"That was no collision my friend. Those bastards rammed that damn bird...on purpose!

Two slinking silohuettes slipped out of the van and snatched away the purple and orange
labeled FedEx box that was issuing down the delivery drone's extended, conveyor slide.
As they scrambled back to the dinged and dented truck with the precious parcel they
both stole a quick over-the-shoulder look down at the aghast potential recipients.

Both marauding figures had black, bushy beards and shouldered AK-47 rifles.

The top secret, drone delivery, 'Stop & Drop' reception committee was now completely
frozen in both trepidation and temperature. As they helplessy watched the pirates make
off somewhere down the length and breadth of the eerie, midnight runway Van de Meer's
deep pocketed cell phone vibrated and rang in with a decidedly impatient purpose.

After a few micro seconds of complete disgust and frustration he fished it out again.

"What now Beasley?" he surrendered with teeth chattering discontent and dismay.

"Begging your pardon sir but I thought it was imperative that I let you know that--"

"Spit it out damn it!" Van de Meer shouted so that all God and country could hear."             

"We, that is Creech AFB Security Agents, have just recently discovered the bodies
of two male FedEx delivery people along the side of the Creech AFB entrance road."

Without bothering to put all the perplexing piracy pieces of the puzzle together
Van de Meer blew out in surrender... "So what? What's your point God damn it?"

"They were both... be-headed!"

                                                          [ The End ]

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