Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Monday, September 21, 2015

Red Flags

Doug Donnan

Executive Editor GTNW/OM-GEN+



Red Flags


Doug Donnan
                 [ Somewhere along the northern Oregon coast line ]

     The resolute slash of the angry rip tide out across the second tier of splashing
white-water breakers was more than enough reason for the hoisting of the double
red flags.
                                    [ THE BEACH IS CLOSED! ]

     The horrendous surf and weather conditions were a godsend to Sheriff Israel
Lohm and his team of steadfast police officers as they began their thankless patrol
of the extensive shoreline.  

     “Well, let me just set you straight on sumthin’ right off the bat Miss Broadbeam,”

Sheriff Lohm began rather condescendingly as he squinted a look down at the little

wind-blown, ballpoint pen-ready Associated Press reporter.

     “Lootin’ is lootin’ no matter how you choose to define it. And I ain’t about to
have none of that kinda’ evilness goin’ on out on these here beaches. Not on my
watch it won’t missy…comprende-vu?”

     “I am really not here to question your dedication to duty sheriff,” she replied
evenly. “Quite frankly, I am more concerned about the reported shootings out here
on this beach late last night. Two innocent strolling victims, apparently, shot down
just like that… no warning, no anything!  I can’t corroborate any of this of course,
but it would seem to me that if—   

     “If’ that did happen,” he cut in rudely, “the suspects were takin’ their moonlight

stroll in a highly restricted, and I dare say dangerous area. Don’t you see that yellow

police tape that we got stretched out in front of this here beach? All this freakin’
stuff that we got floatin’ up here on this beach is the property of some far off folks
in Japan. It’s gonna’ take quite a good bit of time to sort this whole damn mess out.
So, until that time comes, it would behoove lovers and looters alike…to conduct their
moonlit business elsewhere.”

     She brushed back the whipping wisps of her long dark chocolate hair and stopped
short there in the crunching wet sand and shells. “Suspects? So they were shot and
killed… just like that?”

     The sheriff pulled up in kind and stared a steely ice-eyed look out into the crashing
waves. “I can tell you this one thing for a fact my fair ladybug, King James version
lists the commandments from one to ten pretty as you please. Number eight is...
‘Thou shalt not steal.’  I’m a very religious man and a sworn officer of the law around
here,” he declared as he slapped at the blue-black holstered pistol on his hip. “That
gives me two strikes up on anybody who crosses the line.”

      She turned about alongside him with all the grace and aplomb of the prima ballerina
Alicia Alonso. She raised her pointed chin with nothing short of defiance to the cold
needles of the sea’s intimidating spindrift. “Indeed, all that is true sheriff,” she offered
back coolly with a retracting pinch on her pen top.

     “However, as God is our divine witness, my daddy taught me from the pages of that
very same Bible. If I recall, number six commanded 'Thou shalt not kill'… comprende?

                                                            ___ The End 

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