Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Iron Mom

Doug DonnanExecutive Editor/OMNI-GENRE+MAGAZINE!                                                        

This story is dedicated to all the men and women who gave their lives
in defense of our country..’



"Iron Mom"      

Doug Donnan 

                                                  (Vacaville, California)

     “I have no idea who she is or where in the hell she got that experimental XOS2 suit
sheriff, but I do know I’m worried about tryin’ to stop her,” Officer Saltino said as they
trailed behind her in their patrol car. The cemetery was much larger than a casual driver-
by might think. The pea stone path that wound all around the undulating green mounds
and foot worn hillocks was made just wide enough for a standard hearse to negotiate.

     “She’s wearin’ a damn’ Iron Man suit!” Sheriff Bench bellowed with a boiling pique of
aggravation. “How in the hell’d she get in here with that gravestone? Where’s she goin’?” 

     “A jogger tol’ me he saw an olive green army truck pull up to the gates of this
cemetery and let her and that headstone giant-step out the back. Then the soldiers just
drove off! She tol’ the caretaker out here that she was comin’ in to do for herself what
our government boys should have done way back then, after it happened, said her son
was killed overseas in Iraq. He was a genuwine war hero…medals, ribbons, Purple Heart
the whole nine yards. Damned caretaker said he made a quick sign of the cross and let
her just march on in carryin’ that big ol’ marble tombstone out in front of herself like
Moses comin’ down the mountain with the tablets.”

     “I’ll be damned,” Bench breathed out as he pulled at his hanging bank of blubbery
chins. “You know, I’ve seen those damn XOS2 exoskeleton suits demonstrated on the
Internet somewhere. It showed that a normal person can lift up ta’ five-hundred pounds
without breakin’ a sweat or an arm. Now I don’t know if I’d consider this little gal to be
normal, but man she sure seems to possess more than her fair share of gumpshun’.
Drop back and give her some space Salty, but let’s stay on her. I gotta’ see the end of
this little crazy parade.”

     “Oh-Oh,” Saltino chirped. “You must be psychic chief. Speakin’ of parades, take a
look in your side rear-view mirror. That’s my jogger witness and he’s got a crowd with

      Sure enough, not too far back and walking briskly up the winding stone cemetery

pathway was a man in a red running outfit and a sizeable platoon of other non-descript


     “Should I call in for some back up chief?” Saltino asked as he reached for the
Motorola handset mounted just beneath a luminescent green GPS screen.

     “Seems to me like she’s tryin’ her best to make sumthin’ right…not to do anything
wrong.I think she can…I mean, we can handle this,” Sheriff Bench replied as he 
intercepted DeputySaltino’s bony hand and directed it up to the steering wheel.
“We’ll just follow the leader.”

     “Roger that chief,” from Saltino as he geared down. They rolled ahead…slowly.

*     *     *

     “Lookee’ there chief she’s cuttin’ across into the grass. She’s headin’ off down into
that valley,” Saltino alerted as he glared over the steering wheel.
     “Hmm,” from Bench as he watched through the windshield, “the valley of the shadow
of death.”

     “How’s that chief?”

     “Nothing… pull up there where she stomped over the stone curb. I think she’s
zeroing in on her target.”

     “This is too weird,” breathed Saltino as he guided the squad car over.

*     *     *

     In time the entire throng consisting of the colorful jogger, assorted curious onlookers
and the two steadfast, but standoffish cops had formed a fair sized semi-circle around the
now stationary iron maiden. She had managed to position herself, by means of a series
of several rather deft hydraulic maneuvers, directly astride a tidy elongated oblong
hillock…a grave. The mechanical mom, poised there ominously straddling the green
grass grave, held the alabaster marble headstone directly out in front of her with cable
whirring titanium arms. She kept it out there for a moment studying the chiseled
dedication on its smooth face. Then, suddenly, she combined a shocking motorized thrust
with the omnipresent force of gravity and planted the polished stone directly on top of the
heartless bronze marker placed there by the government to ‘honor’ her son. For the
briefest of moments the earth shook.

     “Jesus!” Saltino called out.
     There were assorted gasps and shouts of surprise from the other stunned onlookers.
Then, an eerie but peaceful silence followed. Her mission now complete, the mechanized
woman rotated and stomped off back for the cemetery’s front gate. Sheriff Bench slowly
stepped forward from his position at the rear of the sight. Officer Saltino dutifully
followed him.

     The sun hung overhead in the blue sky a silent witness, like a burning golden medal. 
     Bench pulled up just shy of the silent marble monument. He stared down at the
chiseled inscription for quite some time. Soon the others quietly advanced and did likewise.
They all stood there all around and about. Some removed their caps and bowed their heads
while still more than a few others did drop to their knees. The sheriff removed his dark
blue service cap and positioned it over his heaving chest.

     “Take your damn hat off you idiot,” he ordered with a slight sniffle at the gawking
Saltino. “This man lying here was an American soldier!”

                                                   _____ The End _______ 

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