Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Ring for Terra BY Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Executive Editor/GTNW

*Author's Note: This is another 'Mini-Cine'
proposal in the works. I hope that you enjoy...


"A Ring for Terra"


                                                                                  Doug Donnan

                                           [2022 / Palomar Mountain / San Diego, California]

     "Why that's completely insane!" Professor von Tang shouted as he threw up his white-smocked arms like some medieval
wizard. "We've got to put a stop to it before it's too late."

      "That just ain't gonna' happen capn'," Agent Miller responded with a kind of piggish snort. "NASA and the NRC have
confidently commissioned the 'first' string as a 'go' orbital launch. My bosses at the NSA have already given those bastards
our homeland security blessing on this entire orbiting nuke-waste ring program."

     Outside a full alabaster moon seemed to be almost eavesdropping as it hung up in the midnight sky just above the massive
curving dome of the wide open Palomar observatory. It was a perfect night for lovers and stargazers alike.

     "NASA? The NRC...even the National Security Agency? Why wasn't anyone told about this whole business? For Christ's
sake man, you people just can't do this. It can only lead to-- "

     "You know professor," Miller cut in with a rude indifference. "I heard talk by the watercooler that once this whole damn
nuke ring-around-the-world thing comes 'full circle', pun intended, they say that it'll glow all the way across the night
some kind of gigantic fluorescent orange hula-hoop!"

     "Lord have mercy on us all," von Tang sighed as he sagged against the narrow iron railing that surrounded the massive,
jutting 200 inch reflecting Hale telescope.


                                                                                         __ The End __

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