Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Friday, July 10, 2015

La Serpiente Gigante de la Sonora Poem associated with following story

*This poem is the compadre to my latest
western/horror story with the same name: 

"La Serpiente Gigante de la Sonora"


Doug Donnan

As if in some cold scary nightmare or in some really bad ol' dream,
there's a slithering creature out there, some do say reigns supreme.

Some have sure seen its slick trail, some its damn ol' sheddin' skin,
it's somewheres way off in Sonora, ifn' there you ain't never been.

It has been called el Diablo around many an ol' midnight campfire,
others say ain't no sucha thing, they'll jist call you a damn fool liar.

Maybe it's jist a damn ol' trail tale, hell maybe it's all really true,
but if you put all your hot damn cards on the table, that's simply...
jist up to you.

Cuidado! mi amigos y vaya con Dios... do you now comprende-vu?

___ Adios! ___

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