Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Friday, July 3, 2015

Good Times News Weekly Issue 21 by Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Executive Editor GTNW/C&CG Staff Reviewer






Executive Editor: Doug Donnan



Poem(s) & Story of the Day:

Doug Donnan

"Medieval Mercenary Motto in d Minor"


Doug Donnan

Disregard the archers atop those battlements on high,
never be diverted by the dragoons fearsome battle cry.

To attack the vaulted castle is our mission and our way,
that much is for certain as we cock our trusty trebuchet.

We never surrender or give in as we delve into the fray, 
we'll fight tenaciously but to the death on any given day.

___ fin ___


Doug Donnan

"The Lonesome Sailor"


Doug Donnan

They all do board the vessel and stow away their gear,
very nearly set to sail the captain's shout they do hear.

"Avast me hardys now you swabbies just hear me out,
I'll have no nonsense aboard, of that there is no doubt.

Foretopman get aloft and raise the canvas up the mast,
no time to lose so one more look, it could be your last."

So the sailors turn round and ponder over the ship's rail,
no one to shout 'Bon Voyage!' or  'Ahoy! Fair thee sail'.

Some shake their heads, a forlorn few shed a tear or two,
but the ship's lines have been drawn now they are a crew.

All shove off at daybreak, the wind fills their canvas sail,
gone to ports along the sea all hands are hearty and hale.

Fair- the- well lonely sailors
Fair- the- well lonely sailors

Godspeed fair lonely sailors
Godspeed fair lonely sailors

we await your safe and swift return from your oceanic trail.  

___ The End ___


Doug Donnan

"Free Bird"


Doug Donnan

There was a bouquet of microphones just out in front of Mr. Lawrence P. Whitehurst as
he stood there wooden, cigar-store-indian-like at the podium. A field of hell-bent for the
truth reporters sat on the very edge of their seats as Whitehurst tried to get himself
comfortable and situated in the bright lights fired out by the assortment of rolling and
roving cannons of fully focused television cameras.

He was ready.

"Tell me if you will Mr. Whitehurst," a comely blonde reporter tried from her cross-legged
position just there in the front row of the pocket auditorium, "it's been said by more than
just a few of your Federal Ultronics employees, 'whistleblowers' if you will, that FU hasn't
paid 'any' taxes of any kind in 'at least' the last five years. Can you expound or elaborate
on these... 'accusations' if you will sir?"

"I don't care," he leaned in and said with a Texas Hold 'em poker face.

"You what," she shot back with barn-owl hazel eyes.

"I just don't care," he responded with a Clint Eastwood coolness.

A measured hush, then a stirring mumble and grumble came from the gallery of news
people. Another woman, this one decidedly rather portly and pinkish, both in presence and
hue, tried her luck with the CEO nabob of FU.

"Maybe this might rouse your concern Mr. Whitehurst. Are you aware that the FBI is
reportedly in the process of requisitioning your entire history of corporate, inner-office
and personal emails over the last year or two?"

"I don't care," he leaned up close again and then settled back straight rather nonchalantly.

"You don't care? Doesn't it concern you somewhat... worry you even?"

"No and No."

"Just a little perhaps?" she tried as she readied her daughter's Christmas gift gold-plated
Cross pen at the top of her clean spiral notebook.


"What in fact are you trying to hide then sir? Can you expound?" a crewcut cub reporter
boldly attempted with a brazen, backroom shout.

"Nothing. No." the corporate nabob replied with all the stoicism of the Dalai Lama.

The room was aghast and agog now. There were befuddled and bewildered looks all around and
about the audience as if they had just watched the great Svengali himself perform some mystical
feat of legerdemain.

"Why this is preposterous," from buxom blondie again. "Surely, you can't be serious sir."

"Is that a question?" Whitehurst replied as he took a peek beneath his starched cuff at his
obnoxiously large golden Rolex.

"Why certainly it's a question," she snapped back and then pooched her lips like some
discontented member of the rapscallion little rascals of old.

"Then the answer is... I am... seriously serious."

There was an awkward less-than-pregnant-pause around the room now. If someone were to have
dropped a pin, for whatever reason they might have, it probably wouldn't have been heard by
everybody, but just about everybody anyway.

"Mr. Whitehurst with all due respect, and I'm really not sure at this juncture that you are 
deserving of any, have you no shame sir?

I mean seri--, 'honestly', you've given us nothing here this morning. Nothing at all for our
millions of viewers and readers around America. Isn't there anything... 'something' you can
give us... 'them'?

Whitehurst swept an unflinching, cavalier look around the room of waiting reporters. He
eventually stepped in closer and proceeded to lean out a bit over and between the gaggle of
microphones atop the podium. He stretched forward his $1300 Armani covered right arm and
presented them with his raised and perfectly manicured middle finger.

And, at that, he turned and strutted off like some proud, cock and comb banty rooster.

___ The End ___


*Reader participation:

If anyone would like to contribute/help us out with 'The Good Times News Weekly
(GTNW) just feel free to drop us a line! (so to speak) Doug Donnan/Editor in Chief


"Color of the Day":   

'Bahama Blue'



[D][O][T][A][G][E]: Feeble minded. /// [L][E][U][C][I][N]: A crystaline compound.

[N][E][I][G][H]: The cry of a horse. /// [P][A][N][T][U][N]: A short poem.

[P][H][I][L][T][R][E]: A type of love potion. /// [P][O][U][L][T][I][C][E]: A salve.

[D][O][R][S][A][D]: Towards the back. /// [B][E][W][R][A][Y]: To disclose.



'The Edge of Espanol':

'You can never tell': 'Nunca se sabe!'

'That's a winner!': 'Eso es un ganador!'

'Born to lose': 'Nacido para perder!'

'It's in the wind': 'Esta en el viento!'


Thought(s) for the Day: 

'If you abandon all hope, you have also given up on faith.' (Doug)

'God will show you the way, but you have to find him first.' (Doug)

'If you wanna' get to heaven, you gotta' raise a little hell.' (The Flying Burrito Brothers)


Quote(s) of the Day:

You've got to have Heart:

"The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" (Carson McCullers)

"It's okay to go you with your heart, but don't leave your brain behind." (Doug)

"You can have a perfectly good heart, and still be perfectly heartless." (Doug)

"Your heart is the mighty percussion section of your living symphony." (Doug)

"Your heart beats and you just can't beat that!" (Doug)


Anagram of the Day:

> Unscramble this word and don't be afraid: ETRSTLOPIEG     

'Songs, Scribes & Stars'

>> Who sang the song: 'The Thrill is Gone.'?    

>>> Who wrote the short story (anthology): 'The Birds of War'?              

>>>> What Rock & Roll band recorded the song titled: 'Baba O'Riley'?         

Q&A of the Day:

>>>>> What is a 'Ceraunograph'?             

>>>>>> Which of these words is misspelled?:  'CERRACEOUS' /// 'FLUMARA' /// 'MOULINET'            


"Lost Marbles", "Aroused Suspicions" 

_____ "Lost Marbles" _____

'You know you've lost your marbles when you bring a roll of nickels to the laundromat.' 

'You know you've lost your marbles when you spray WD40 on your arthritic fingers.'

'You know you've lost your marbles when you name your socks.'***

'You know you've lost your marbles when you keep your George Foreman Grill in the freezer.'

'You know you've lost your marbles when you use black Kiwi shoe polish to highlight your dalmatian.'      

'You know you've lost your marbles when you use WD40 as an ear wax cleaner.'

'You know you've lost your marbles when you name your Dacshund puppy... 'Frank'. (or maybe not!)

'You know you've lost your marbles when you polish the inside lid of your Weber Grill.'

'You know you've lost your marbles when you practice surfing on your laundry room ironing board.'  

_____ End "Lost Marbles" _____

_____ "Aroused Suspicions" _____

'You might get suspicious if you see an ICBM sticking in your front yard.'

'You might get suspicious if you see a human skull inside your mailbox.'***

'You might get suspicious if you see the paper boy blow your wife a kiss.'

'You might get suspicious if you see your cat sleeping on the shelf just above your aquarium.' 

'You might get suspicious if you find a hand grenade inside your sock drawer.'

'You might get suspicious if you discover thumb tacks inside your running shoes.' 

'You might get suspicious if you find a Navy Seal team sneaking up your apartment steps.'***

'You might get suspicious if you find all of your refrigerator magnets in your bowl of Cheerios.' 

'You might get suspicious if you see your wife practicing making hangman's slip knots***+

'You might get suspicious if you find a live mountain lion in your den.'

'You might get suspicious if you see your daughter's prom dress with a bullseye painted on the front.'

'You might get suspicious if your wife comes to bed wearing a [BABY ABOARD!] T-shirt.'***+LOL   

_____ End "Aroused Suspicions" _____

_____ END GTNW _____ END GTNW _____ END GTNW _____


*** Doug's 'Pics' of the Day
***+ Doug's Favs
***+ LOL Doug can't control himself!
***++LOL Off the charts!


Anagrams, 'Songs, Scribes & Stars', Puzzles & Quizlers, Capital Ideas Answers:


>>  B.B. King          

>>> Doug Donnan               

>>>> The Who             

>>>>> An instrument for recording the timing of thunder & lightning. (Ceraunograph)             

>>>>>> 'CERACEOUS'         


Executive Editor GTNW  

1 comment:

  1. Please prepare yourselves for two new wacky stories:

    1.'The Spurious Cowboy'
    2. 'Concave'


    3. Issue #21 of The Good Times News Weel;y (GTNW)

    Please feel free to make'publish/post any comments that
    might help me better entertain you all!

    Muchas Gracias Amigos!
    Doug/Executive Editor GTNW
