Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Screw The Moon

Doug Donnan

Executive Editor/GTNW








                                                         “Screw The Moon”                                                 

                                                        AKA (‘Waste Not—Want Not’)


                                                                                            Doug Donnan

                                                            [April 1, 2023 / Lunar Radioac-Waste Reloca / Station #6]


“Well, here we go again chief,” Bartlett sighed as he slipped into the little bubble-like office of the lunar station manager’s terra-formed,

bio-sphere pod. “That big ol' Pegasus mule-train just dumped off another 4000 canisters of 'hot stuff'.”


“I don’t give a rat’s ass anymore,” the acting seleno superviser Adamski yelped. “Just go on and haul all of those new nuke waste-drums

away and put 'em with the mountain of others in that damn super-secret subsurface 'lunahole' number three over by that freakin' Tycho



“I don’t know Adamski," Bartlett sighed with a concerned shake of his smooth shaven  head, "it just seems like we might be missing

the boat on this whole, no pun intended, nuclear waste relocation program. I think that we might want to reevaluate just exactly what

repercussions this--"

 “Screw ‘em all. NASA, the NRC, all of ‘em. My work shift tour of duty out here will be over soon. And then I’m off for Mars…
comprende-vu? Some pryin' eyes down there on terra firma have found and photo-id our 'moonholes' way out here mi amigo and you
can just bet all your hard earned lunar loot that there's gonna' be hell to pay when they see just exactly what the NRC nuclear waste
boys and there partners in crime NASA have been buryin' out here these last couple of years." 

“I understand, but don't you think that we should at least try and put this new load in a different--"

“I don't think about nuthin amigo except gettin' off this damn pock-marked garbage rock," Adamski rudely barked in. "My only advice
to you Bartlett is to just play the game and roll out the barrels until 'your' T.O.D. is up. We'll just let the new kids on the block take over
this radioactive moon rape insanity."

"But, with all due respect chief, I've been giving this a lot of thought lately and I just can't continue to--  

"You think too much amigo," Adamski cut in again and then spun around in his rollo-chair. "Just do it God Dammit! That’s an order.”


                                                                                         _____ The End _____ 

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