Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Monday, July 13, 2015

Good Times News Weekly Issue 24

Doug Donnan
Executive Editor GTNW/C&CG Staff Reviewer






Executive Editor: Doug Donnan



Poem(s) & Story of the Week:



Doug Donnan

"I'm givin' you first play stranger," the gunfighter said.
"n' you had better be fast or very soon... you'll be dead."

The stranger done heard him clearly n' offered a wink,
"I've seen yer kind before amigo... I'm beginnin' to think."

"Please understand this stranger, I ain't yer damn 'friend',
I'm here to send you to Boothill... 'that'll' be yer dead end."

"I think I know why we're out here," the stranger did reply,
"One of us is gonna' live n' the other's... gonna die."

"Now yer onto it stranger, so pull when yer damn good n' ready,
but I'll warn you again... you better be fast n' sure enough steady."

So the stranger flash drew his pistol like a damn lightnin' bolt,
two shots rang out in a wink... from that ol' pearl handled Colt.

The gunfighter dropped to his knees, two round holes in his head,
the stranger holstered his six-gun... cause he knew he was dead.

The moral of the story is don't fool with no gun totin' stranger,
'speshly if his name happens to be 'Shane', cause yer jist flertin'...

with danger.

___ The End ___


"The Cruel Beast"


Doug Donnan

Hate has no real equal as it prowls the emotional jungle deep within,
there is nothing that may challenge it for they know they cannot win.

It is the malicious ruler of the forest as it lopes around in its villainy,
once it sinks its bloody fangs into its victims it's fraught with cruelty.

_____ End _____



"The Complaint Department"


Doug Donnan

                          [ 2016 / GROC-TECH-MARKET / Palo Alto, Ca ]

"I would like to return this case of bottled water that I bought here yesterday," the
man grunted as he lifted the plastic wrapped case up and into the jutting service chute.

A rather long, serpentine line of vehicles was slowly building up just behind his panting
Toyota Corolla. Garth Brednbuddah had finally made his way up to the massive GTM
machine conspicuously labeled:


"Welcome to your friendly neighborhood GTM!" an electronic female voice said from somewhere.
"What seems to be the problem with this product #66519000776-55299-007 ||||-|||||||||||||-||||||||-||||||-||||||-|||?"

"It's yellow," he announced up to the stoic stainless steel machine. "Maybe 'amber' would be
a better description for it.

"It's a complete case of pure bottled water," was the flat, slightly condescending, reply.

"Pure 'yellow'. I want to return it and have the total price 'including' the sales tax credited to my GTM
credit card."

There was an annoying silent pause as if the machine just might be mulling over Garth's veracity
and/or sanity.


"Was the product this color... yellow or amber... when you purchased it?"

"I'm not one-hundred per cent certain 'friend', but I would tend to doubt it. My wife bought it here only two
days ago. And 'she' never makes mistakes... comprende?"

"'Comprende'?" the machine repeated parrot-like.

"It means... do-you-understand?"

There was another extended period of rather embarrassing waiting.


"Is your wife there in your vehicle with you now?"

"What damn difference does that make? ...No! She went over to visit with her mother. She has a cold. Okay?"

"A cold?"

"Yes damn it, a cold. Maybe a touch of the flu bug that's going around town lately. "This is getting ridiculous
are you going to credit my GTM card for the money I... my 'wife' spent on this yellow crap or not?" Garth
asked this question as he leaned out the window and waved all around and about his red, white and blue GTM card.   

Behind him there were now an assortment of rather rude catcalls accompanied by a raucous din of horn blasts.

[ Please insert your personal GTM credit card in the flashing red slot marked REVIEW/CONSIDERATION ]

This was not an audio message. It came across the machine's rather large video monitor. It was as though the
friendly electronic feminine voice had gone on some type of break.

"Now wait just a damn minute here," Garth shouted, now in complete frustration and fury. "How long is all this
gonna' take? I've got a lot of already pissed off folks lined up right behind me comprende... understand? I don't want to
piss 'em off any more than your damn GTM store here probably already has. And another thing... I'm not gonna' have my
card 'sucked in' to your stupid system over a lousy damn case of yellow ass water. This is insane!"

[ PLEASE INSERT!... PLEASE INSERT!... PLEASE INSERT!... ] flashed and ran across the screen wildly.

Honking, flashing headlights, loud cursing and angry 'move it or lose it'-like calls had built to a maddening crescendo
just there behind him. All hell was breaking loose.


"Screw it!" Garth threw the card in the grey plastic barrel labeled 'REFUSE' there just at the foot of the spastic
scolding machine... and drove off and away in a huff.

[ SCREW IT? ... SCREW IT?... SCREW IT? ] the machine's video screen ran on for a few seconds.


There was a pause and the video screen cleared. The horny cacaphony and cursing ceased as the next car pulled up
to replace the completely disappointed and disatisfied Mr. Garth Brednbuddah.

"Welcome to your friendly neighborhood GTM!"

___ The End ___      


*Reader participation:

If anyone would like to contribute/help us out with 'The Good Times News Weekly
(GTNW) just feel free to drop us a line! (so to speak) Doug Donnan/Editor in Chief


"Color of the Day":   




[C][E][R][I][S][E]: a light red color. /// [D][E][S][U][L][T][O][R]: One who leaps.

[F][E][N][N][[E][E]: A small African fox. /// [F][U][L][G][O][R][T]: Dazzling brightness.

[F][U][N][E][S][T]: Sad, doleful. /// [H][A[P][U][L][M]: Any plant stem. 

[M][O][N][I][S][H]: To warn. /// [C][H][A][C][M][A]: A type of baboon.



'The Edge of Espanol':

'That's the story':

'No news is good news':

'Better late than never':

'Don't try that again!':


Thought(s) for the Day: 

'Tap Roots':

'It may be time to tap out if you see your boss filling out a pink slip and your the only one at work.'

'It may be time to tap out if you get winded just walking to the kitchen.'

'It may be time to tap out if you see the janitor cleaning out your cubicle.'

'It may be time to tap out if you 'receive' a 911 call.'

'It may be time to tap out if you catch your wife replacing your Viagra pills with Sominex.'.***

'It may be time to tap out if you catch your wife letting the air out of your scuba oxygen tank.'

'It may be time to tap out if you catch your wife fiddling with the gauges of your scuba tank.' 


Quote(s) of the Day:

The Game of Life:

"This isn't a game!" (Henry Fonda/'12 Angry Men')

"It's Alive!" (Dr. Henry Frankenstein/'Frankenstein')

"Death... what do you all know about death?" (Sgt. Barnes/'Platoon')

"For someone who has not lived a single life time you are a wise man von Helsing' (Count Dracula/'Dracula')

"Now... you play the game!" (Lewis/'Deliverance')

"This isn't one of your games Lewis. You just killed a man!" (Drew/'Deliverance')

"Life isn't a game. It's a privilege!" (Doug/'GTNW')

"If life is a game, make certain that the dice aren't loaded." (Doug)


Anagram of the Day:

> Unscramble this word and don't be afraid: AAINAROP      

'Songs, Scribes & Stars'

>> Who sang the song: 'Help Me Rhonda'?     

>>> Who wrote the western/comedy/Sci-Fi short story "The Spurious Cowboy"?              

>>>> Who wrote & sang the song: 'Imagine'?           

'Whatsis?' & 'Spell Checkers'

>>>>> What is a 'Desman'?             

>>>>>> Which of these words is misspelled?:   'Memento' /// 'Minuet' /// 'Nautilus'             


"Lost Marbles",  "Lucky Ducks" 

_____ "Lost Marbles" _____

'You know you've lost your marbles when you name your golf balls.'    

'You know you've lost your marbles when you put sunscreen on your dachshound.' 

'You know you've lost your marbles when you memorize all the George Foreman Grill recipes.'

'You know you've lost your marbles when you ask your Tidy Maid for her bra size.' 

'You know you've lost your marbles when you ask for a 'fresh' hot dog at a Thai restaurant.'***       

'You know you've lost your marbles when you start to yodel in a voting booth.'

_____ End "Lost Marbles" _____

_____ "Lucky Ducks" _____

'You may be pushing your luck if you squeeze your hen for more eggs.'

'You may be pushing your luck if you try to jump a badminton net after you win.'

'You may be pushing your luck if you play 'Jarts' blindfolded.'***

'You may be pushing your luck if you try to wear a horseshoe as a good luck necklace.'***+

'You may be pushing your luck if you go ice fishing in a 'Speedo'.'

'You may be pushing your luck if you walk across a mine field wearing snowshoes.'***+

_____ End "Lucky Ducks" _____

*** Doug's 'Pics' of the Day
***+ Doug's Favs
***+ LOL Doug can't control himself!
***++LOL Off the charts!


Answers to: Anagrams, 'Songs, Scribes & Stars', Puzzles & Quizlers,

> PARANOIA        

>> The Beach Boys           

>>> Doug Donnan               

>>>> John Lennon             

>>>>> An aquatic shrew-like mammal. (Desman)             

>>>>>> All are spelled correctly!          


Executive Editor GTNW

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