Doug Donnan

Doug Donnan
Doug Donnan

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Geiger Encounter

Doug DonnanExecutive Editor GTNW/OMNI-GENRE+MAGAZINE!

"Geiger Encounter"


Doug Donnan

[ Newport Beach, Oregon ]


     The midnight sea was unusually still and serene that evening. Eerily
so Pennyworth decided as he slowly shuffled up the crunching sand and
shells of the barren beach. The very few whitecaps that did appear atop one
set of lackadaisical waves or the next were almost poignant, as if the ocean
might be issuing an exhaustive melancholy sigh or curling breath of pathos.
The pale blue phosphorescent light of the waxing alabaster moon washed over
the entire sea and shore below like some nebulous living shroud. Pennyworth
was in his element…late into the night, alone, carefully sweeping the extended
wand of his metal-a-geiger counter in search of forgotten fortune and treasure
carelessly left behind or washed up by the sea’s indifferent shifting tides.

     He was not unhappy.


      It wasn’t too terribly long before Pennyworth broke out of his sweeping
stupor and squinted a look off and faraway up the glistening, midnight shoreline.
He positioned his flabby chin atop the long metal shaft of his detector using it as 
a kind of makeshift flying buttress to now try and steady his clean-shaven head
against a slightly slapping sea breeze. There, off in the distance, were the dark
silhouettes of two large trucks. He studied the vehicles for the better part of a
moment, his head rocking back and forth ever so slightly metronome-like
in perfect syncopation with the ticking timing of his detector.

     “Now just whatever could they be about out here in the dead of night?” he
whispered as if he might be addressing the very sea itself.

     As he cautiously renewed his seaside safari he decided that the two trucks
appeared to be military vehicles. They were distinctly large olive-drab affairs with
their long vaulted beds covered with stretches of taut canvas the same dreary green
hue. They were not un-like the ones they used when he was stationed in Korea way
back in the day. The mechanized heart of his detector perked up as he cautiously
swept forward.

     Pennyworth paused at what he deemed a respectable, if not discreet, distance
from the dark and daunting trucks. He inched forward crab-like and swept his
detector all around and about the periphery. The detector’s hair needle inside the
iridescent green gauge was slapping away violently into the dial’s red danger zone.


     His mouth had puckered up into a perfect circle of shock like the tiny
entrance to some vacant backyard birdhouse.

     “Whatcha’ doin’ out here pokin’ around old timer?” a muffled voice inquired from
back in the dim shadows just beyond the open tailgates of the trucks.

     “Whatsat?” Pennyworth responded quickly as he scrunched down and squinted into
the darkness. “Who…who goes there?” he stammered. 

     A decidedly ominous figure dressed from top to toe in a slick black Demron radiation
suit stepped out of the dim shadows and into the pale moonlight. The towering form
squared off just in front of the cringing little beachcomber.

     “That was to be my very next question to you sir,” the man replied as he pulled away
his bug-eyed dark hood only to reveal a sharp police sketch type ruddy face and a closely
shorn blonde crew cut.  

     “Names’s Pennyworth…Harlan Pennyworth, if that’s any business of yours,” he tried
as he positioned his hands on the detector rod as if it were a weapon. “Lookin’ for treasure
I guess you might say…you know,” he now half-smiled as he presented the shaft of his
detector out in front of himself as might a soldier with his clean and ready rifle at inspection.      

     “You’re in a highly restricted area out here Mr. Pennyworth. I’m afraid we’re going to
have to ask you to come along with—

     “Hey…I see now,” Pennyworth cut in with a rather surprising degree of animated
self-confidence. “You guys are out here tryin’ to collect up all that Jap junk that’s been
floatin’ up here on these beaches. Man oh man, looks like you all really came onto something…
I mean with those wild space suits, army trucks and all. Some of that Japanese radioactive
debris is washin’ up around here ain’t it? I knew it… just as sure as Simon helped Jesus carry
that cross! Do you all think that—”

     A nearby clap of thunder broke in and the previously composed and care-free waves and
wind now thrashed about in a rude turbulent transformation.

     The intimidating black clad figure flashed a steely ice-eyed look out at the rolling sea, and
then an unnerving leer down at the trembling beachcomber.   

     “Looks like there’s a storm brewin’,” he now almost whispered as he stretched out a black
gloved hand and grasped Pennyworth’s shoulder.

     “I’d better be getting back home now, before…before it’s too late.”

     With his other hand the man quickly reached down and snatched away Pennyworth’s rapidly
ticking detector. “Just don’t you worry about that… We’ll take care of you.”

                                               _____ THE END _____

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